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Websites for California!
Aleutian Goose Festival - Annual event held in March in Del Norte County.
Audubon Canyon Ranch - Preserve in Stinson Beach for the protection of nesting colonies of Great Egrets and Great Blue Herons. Volunteer and job opportunities, schedule of events, and publications.
Badboy Birding - Photos of birds from California and around the world by Stephen J. Davies.
Bird Friends Of Lake Murry and San Diego County - Photos, sounds, and descriptions of local birds; brief descriptions of hot spots.
Birding Break: Northern California (Bay Area) - Virtual tour of popular northern Californian birding destinations: Cordell Bank, Palo Alto Baylands Preserve, and Monterey.
Birds of Elkhorn Slough - Checklist, sightings, Monterey Bay Bird Festival, and photographs.
Birds of Kern County, California: A Photo Checklist - Complete checklist of 431 species, includes many photos.
Birds of Orange County, California - Collection of annotated slides.
Birds of Prey - Photos and information about raptors, Hawk Hill in Golden Gate NRA, Bay Area birds, and Point Reyes.
Birds of the Imperial Valley - Photos and tips for finding birds in the southeastern corner of California.
Birds West - Bird news, owling tips, birder's guides, birding in Santa Clara, Siskiyou, and Modoc counties, photo and sketch galleries, and trip reports.
BLM California Birding - Checklists for 4 Bureau of Land Management sites in California.
Butte County Birders - Directions to local birding sites, photographs, and suggestions for those interested in starting.
CA Birding Lists Digest - Compilation of 24 different California birding e-mail lists, organized by date, region, and list. Messages are archived for 30 days.
Calbirds - Archives and subscription management for the statewide e-mail group for birding in California.
California Bird Records Committee - California bird lists, annual reports, and photo gallery.
California Bird Songs - Songs of 13 species, recorded at the Blodgett Forest Research Station near Georgetown.
California Hotspots - Links to photographs and information about destinations, checklists of endemic and specialized species, rare bird alerts.
California Native Bird Gardening - Information about common California birds and plants to attract them.
California Parrot Project - Researching parrots in the wilds of California's suburban jungles. Identification guide and articles.
California Partners in Flight - Bird conservation projects.
California Raptor Center - Rehabilitation of injured and orphaned raptors.
California Rare Bird Alerts - Transcripts of 12 different RBAs in California.
Central Valley Bird Club - Focuses on studying and conserving native birds in central California. Includes meeting information, field trips, and lists of birds by county.
Central Valley Birds - An e-mail list for discussing the birds of California's Central Valley.
Chanslor Wetlands Wildlife Project - Preserve in Bodega Bay. Bird count results.
Cindy's Bird Pics - Photos of California birds.
Contra Costa County Breeding Bird Atlas - Maps of breeding birds in Contra Costa County.
Cosumnes River Preserve Bird List - Graphical checklist with species abundance by month.
Cosumnes River Preserve Birding - Site guide to preserve in southern Sacramento County.
East Bay Birders Circle - Birding in Contra Costa and Alameda Counties in the San Francisco Bay area. EBbird mailing list info and archives, rare bird alerts, yard lists, essays, list of wildlife rehabilitators.
East Bay Nature - Store with backyard birding tips and bird walks.
Eastern Sierra Birds - Recent sightings and photographs from Inyo and Mono counties plus site guides to 16 hotspots.
E-mail Groups for Birding in California - Interactive map of the state with links to over 20 birding lists.
Godwit Days - Spring migration bird festival held in mid-April in Humboldt County.
Golden Gate Raptor Observatory - Fall hawk watch near San Francisco.
Kern County Birding - Brief site guides to dozens of the county's best birding spots.
Kern County Birding Localities - Descriptions of dozens of the best local spots.
Kern Valley Turkey Vulture Festival - Annual event held in fall. Field trips, workshops, crafts, sports, and research.
Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuges Complex - Official site of the Klamath Basin NWR, with visitor information, bird counts and sightings, tips for building blinds, and various areas for viewing.
LACoBirds - E-mail group for discussion of wild birds and birdwatching in Los Angeles County.
Los Angeles County Natural History Museum - Ornithology - Research and holdings.
Luke Cole's Birding Pages - Photographs and discussion of rare birds in California and elsewhere in the western U.S.
Marin County Birding - Top 7 birding areas in Marin County.
Mary Scott's Birding California - Travelogue of 16 California hot spots.
Mitch Heindel's Miscellaneous Matters - Southern California pelagic and other photos; pelagic trip schedule; photo quizzes; and checklists for Ken Malloy Harbor Regional Park, Wilmington Drain, and Banning Park.
Mono Lake Bird Sightings - Recent sightings from the Mono Basin and nearby Eastern Sierra.
Monterey Birding Adventures - Avid birder Rick Fournier leads bird trips for individuals or groups in Central California. Includes some bird photos.
Monterey County Birding - Rarities with photos, identification problems, site guides for 4 prime birding areas, and top county birders.
Morro Bay Winter Bird Festival - Annual event held in mid-January. Site includes program, registration, brochures, bird lists, and photos.
Mostly Birds - A gallery of bird photographs, mostly from California, by Larry Selman of Santa Cruz.
National Wildlife Refuge Bird Checklists - Seasonal checklists for 36 refuges in California.
Northern California BirdBox - Rare bird alert, fall vagrant bird totals, and list of contributors.
Orange County Birding - Forum for the discussion of birding in Orange County, southern California. Message archive, files, and links.
Peter LaTourrette's Bird Photo Gallery - High quality bird photos, mostly taken at Stanford's Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve.
Placer County Birding Hotspots - Site guides with maps and checklist.
Point Reyes Bird Observatory - Bird conservation projects, programs, research, news, outings, newsletters, education and outreach, bird articles, and essays.
Russell Sipe's Birding Pages - Photographic journal of the adventures of a rank beginner.
Salton Sea International Bird Festival - Annual event held in February in Imperial County.
San Diego County Birds and Butterflies - Rare bird alert, checklist, photo gallery, and links.
San Diego Field Ornithology - Rare bird report archive and links.
San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory - Programs, Palo Alto rail tides, photos, volunteer opportunities, newsletter articles, and activities.
San Francisco Birding and Beyond - Identification quiz, pelagic survival tips, rare bird descriptions, and trip reports.
Santa Cruz Bird Club - Events, history, Monterey Bay Birders' e-mail group info, Central Coast Riparian Bird Conservation Project, Guide to Songs and Calls of Central Coast Birds, newsletter articles, local birding sites, bird reports, checklists, and gull ID.
Santa Cruz Predatory Bird Research Group - Raptor conservation group with summaries of research projects, education programs, and news articles.
SBCobirding - E-mail discussion group devoted to sharing information about the birds of Santa Barbara County, its near shore waters, and the Channel Islands.
SFBirds - E-mail group for birding in San Francisco.
Shearwater Journeys - Pelagic trips, reports, and photos.
Sierra-NevadaBirds - Forum for discussing birding and birds of the Sierra Nevada.
SLOCoBirding - E-mail discussion group for San Luis Obispo County birds.
South Bay Birders Unlimited - Santa Clara County year lists, maps, tide schedules, and links.
Spot 'n' Jot Birders Field Logs - A field logbook for birders for recording names and number of birds spotted in addition to the date, location, companions, and weather.
Tehachapi Mountains Birding Club - An independent birding club located in southern Sierras of California. Includes information on club meetings, field trips, local bird species, photos, and birding book reviews.
Tom Grey's Bird Pictures - Digiscoped photos from the Stanford area. - Harry Fuller's site with information about birding San Francisco, notes on specialty birds, report on a big year in 1998, history of US ornithology, and European trip reports.
Ventana Wilderness Society - Based in Carmel Valley. California Condor reintroduction notes, Bald Eagle release and monitoring, Big Sur Ornithology Lab, environmental education, and research.
Venturacobirding - E-mail discussion group for birding in Ventura County.
Watchable Wildlife - Department of Fish and Game site with viewing tips for magpies, raptors, cranes, herons and egrets, and nutcrackers.
Wild On Wetlands Weekend - Annual event held in March in the Central Valley near Los Banos.
Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill - Information about a flock of feral parrots in San Francisco.
Yolo County Birding Guide - Recent rarities, guide to birding throughout the year, map and descriptions of birding sites, and best spots for certain species.